7 Ideas to Protect Your Portland, OR Home From Water Damage

7 Ideas to Protect Your Portland, OR Home From Water Damage

Homeowners in Portland, Oregon have a lot of responsibilities to take care of their properties. While the main reason to own a home is so that you can provide a living space for your family, certain tasks come with the role that you must be willing to undertake.

One of those tasks is protecting the home from water damage. Water damage is a huge issue for homeowners and can lead to very costly repairs. A broken pipe in the walls could go undiscovered for weeks, resulting in a slow leak that damages the structural materials in the house. Heavy rainfall could cause seepage into the basement or around the foundation. There are numerous causes of water damage, all of which can hurt your possessions and your bank account.

7 Ideas to Protect Your Portland, OR Home From Water Damage

Knowing how to protect your Portland home from water damage can save you a lot of time, money, and hassle. Here are 7 tips to consider. 

1. Routine Plumbing Maintenance

The best way to stop a plumbing leak is to prevent it in the first place. Preventative plumbing maintenance can reduce the risk of broken pipes or other issues that cause significant water damage in the home. Make sure that pipes throughout the home are properly insulated. Have a contractor replace old copper pipes with newer materials. Schedule regular inspections for early identification of problem areas so steps can be taken to rectify them before they escalate. 

2. Landscaping Around the Foundation

Not all water damage prevention is about making changes on the inside of the home. You can also make a difference with some of your landscaping choices. For example, a soil grade that directs water away from the foundation can reduce the risk of heavy rains and flooding leaving moisture in your lower levels. Planting shrubs and trees near the house can help soak up much of the groundwater as well.

3. Respond Quickly to Problems

Avoiding all water damage may be impossible. However, the problem can get much worse if you ignore it or have a delayed response. The faster you react to discovering water damage, the sooner repairs can happen to prevent long-term damage. Look up “water restoration Portland, Oregon” to see what local contractors are available to assist you with big cleanup projects. The experts are far better equipped to handle water damage than you are. 

4. Update Roofing/Siding

The exterior of the home is responsible for shielding the inside from weather elements. Outdated or deteriorated siding/roofing can cause huge leaks or even collapses during a rainstorm or snow melt. If your home could use an upgrade for siding or roofing, then act quickly to prevent future water issues. 

5. Clear Gutters

Gutters are a common cause of water leakage in the home, especially when they become clogged. Regularly cleaning out the gutters can prevent backups from happening, which often result in roof leaks. Additionally, ice forming in the gutters in winter can be a problem, so be on the watch for that as well. 

6. Keep Drains Clean

Every home has multiple drain systems that allow water to escape the home. Showers, sinks, toilets, water appliances, and other systems exist to remove the water that is used so that it does not collect inside the home. These drainage systems must stay clean and clear to prevent flooding or backups that spill water into the home. Invest in a drain snake to help clear out these pipes regularly. 

7. Reseal Windows/Doors

Over time, the sealant around windows and doors can break down. A simple fix can be to re-caulk the areas around windows and doors or install new insulation that seals up the cracks and borders. This is an easy, inexpensive step that could prevent water leakage into your home. Even a little water could develop a mold problem that affects your air quality.

Effort Now Can Save Money Later

Committing to protecting your home in Portland, OR from water damage requires a little effort. Follow the steps listed above and you may save your home from thousands of dollars in repair costs due to severe water damage.