Do You Know Someone Who Needs Help Decluttering?
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Do You Know Someone Who Needs Help Decluttering?

Help Your Loved One Start Their Decluttering Journey 

Decluttering a home can seem like an impossible task – especially if you’re not sure how to declutter. Do you know someone who is struggling to tackle decluttering on their own? Do you want to help them learn how to let go of items? Are you ready to help them find minimalist decluttering tips and tricks? If so – you’re in the right place! 

Too Much Stuff, Not Enough Space? Try Decluttering Tips And Minimalist Checklists 

Hi, my name is Rita Wilkins. As your Downsizing Designer, I’m eager to help you find the money, time, and freedom I found by decluttering my life. If you’re ready to help make the decluttering journey of a friend or family member easier, I have decluttering tips and minimalist checklists to help you along the way! 

Downsize With A Heart: How To Start Decluttering 

Wanting to achieve a minimalist lifestyle through decluttering doesn’t mean getting rid of everything that isn’t absolutely necessary. With the right decluttering guide, you can learn how to let go of items while still keeping what matters. 

If you’re looking for something to help someone you love get started decluttering, give my Minimalist Essentials workbook a try. This workbook is a 60-page decluttering companion and planner. This essential tool can help you while decluttering from start to finish. Consider giving this workbook to your loved one as a gift to kickstart their decluttering journey. In this workbook, you’ll also find minimalist decluttering tips so you can learn how to help them declutter! 

Interested in more decluttering and minimalist materials? Check out minimalist decluttering checklists, online decluttering courses, and more in the Design Services online store. 

Get Rita’s #1 Workbook on Amazon!

Tired of the clutter but finding it hard to start? Meet Rita’s Minimalist Essentials: A Decluttering Workbook Companion – the easy, fun, and effective way to declutter! Rita, a lifestyle design expert, cracked the code on decluttering. She solved the two biggest challenges: How to get started and how to stay motivated. Watch this quick video to see what’s inside!

Do You Know Someone Who Needs Help Decluttering?

Rita Wilkins Offers Lifestyle Design And Interior Design Services  

Do you want to learn more about downsizing and decluttering? Call Design Services LTD at 302-475-5663 to discuss your design needs. You can also connect with me by following me on Facebook and LinkedIn. Would you like complimentary advice from the downsizing designer? You can schedule a complimentary 30-minute call with me today. My book Downsize Your Life, Upgrade Your Lifestyle: Secrets to More Time, Money, and Freedom is now available in paperback, audio, and on Kindle! Get your copy soon.