Don’t Downsize for Retirement: DECLLUTER!
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Don’t Downsize for Retirement: DECLLUTER!

Not everyone wants to downsize when they retire. As a matter of fact, 75% of baby boomers say they would like to age in place for as long as they can.

But at some point as we age, it is likely that we will either want to downsize or have to downsize.

For those of you who have already downsized at least once, you know what a monumental task it is to reduce a lifetime of possessions from your large home that your kids grew up in into a smaller home that better suits your empty nest or retired lifestyle.

But for those of you who aren’t ready to take the big leap into downsizing… moving to a home with less space and a smaller footprint, perhaps you should try decluttering rather than downsizing… at least for now.

And the good news is:

  • Decluttering can be broken into small manageable pieces.
  • Decluttering can also take place over a period of time, so there’s no rush.  (although… I will say that it is better to do it sooner than later and to make it a priority so that it gets done.)

Decluttering is about reducing the amount of stuff in your home, the duplicates, the items that are damaged or worn out, and the items you no longer love, want, need, or use.

Downsize by decluttering

For those of you who are not yet ready for the big move, DECLUTTER instead!

Remember, it is possible to declutter without downsizing, but it is not possible to downsize without decluttering.

Advantages of decluttering

Decluttering your home now helps you minimize possessions so…

  • You can live a simple life right now.
  • When you do want or need to downsize in the future, much of the heavy lifting is already done.
  • You’ll save time money and energy when you have less stuff to move to a new smaller home.

Top 5 tips about decluttering for retirement

1.   Don’t wait. Start now.

Spread your decluttering project out over time so you are not overwhelmed or stressed by a deadline.

2.   Declutter first, then organize.

Many people want to get organized so they buy pretty organizing bins and baskets, but they are wasting time and money. Reduce the amount of stuff you own by decluttering first then organizing.

Don’t Downsize for Retirement: DECLLUTER!

Check out The Downsizing Designer’s Top 7 Summer Reads on Living A Simpler Life with Less

3.   Create a plan and timeline that you can implement over time.

Having a whole house plan and a specific timeline allows you to pace yourself and see progress which motivates you to continue the process to completion.

4.   Develop strong decluttering muscles.

By decluttering regularly, you develop decluttering methods that work for you. You get good at making quicker decisions… even the hard stuff with sentimental attachment.

It’s possible that you even get ruthless, that sorting, donating, and disposing of become second nature to you so you no longer have to labor over the decision-making process.

The quicker you decide, the quicker the decluttering process moves forward.

5.   Visualize your decluttered home as you go through the process.

What will it be like…

  • When you have less to manage and clean?
  • When you know exactly where things belong so you can put them back after you’ve used them, and find them again when you need them?

One last tip to declutter your home. Try this decluttering method and it will help you practice downsizing before you move. It’s called the move-out decluttering method.

After you’ve made your decluttering plan for the whole house:

  • Give yourself a drop-dead deadline… a move-out date as if the trucks were in the driveway.
  • Declutter room-by-room, making decisions quickly. Sort, donate, dispose of.
  • Practice letting go and getting good at it. When finished with each room, move back into that room with less stuff.

You will be surprised at how effective this move-out method is! It mimics the process of moving out and then moving back in, so in many ways, this practice prepares you for downsizing when the real-time comes.

Most importantly, enjoy the process and the results!

Are you Ready?

Take that first step and open yourself up to a world of freedom, peace, and fulfillment. Rita has the expertise and tools you need to create a more peaceful and intentional life. From ebooks to online courses and personalized decluttering plans, Rita’s resources are designed to help you achieve your goals and create a life that feels authentically you. So why wait? Start living your best life today with Rita’s lifestyle design and decluttering resources. Remember, the power to live a minimalist lifestyle lies in your hands.

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