How to Choose Eco-Friendly Moving Supplies for a Sustainable Move in Geelong
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How to Choose Eco-Friendly Moving Supplies for a Sustainable Move in Geelong

Moving can be a nightmare and overwhelming process. However, with a little bit of planning you can turn this wasteful process into a sustainable one by choosing eco-friendly moving supplies in Geelong. These days, more and more Australians are looking for ways to reduce their environmental impact. Making a conscious choice about the materials they use during their move is a great place to start. In this article, we’ll explore some best tips for choosing sustainable packing supplies and how to make your move as green as possible.

Why Eco-Friendly Moving Supplies Matter

It’s no secret that traditional moving generates a lot of waste. Think about all the boxes, tape, bubble wrap and plastic that end up in the bin after a move. Most of these materials take years to break down and end up in landfills and pollution. But it doesn’t have to be that way. By choosing sustainable and eco-friendly moving options in Geelong, you can significantly reduce your carbon footprint and make your move greener.

Ditch the Traditional Cardboard Boxes

One of the most wasteful parts of any move is the sheer number of cardboard boxes used and then thrown away. While cardboard can be recycled, it’s often thrown away after one use and the production of cardboard itself uses a lot of resources.

A great eco-friendly moving option is renting reusable plastic crates. Many companies in Geelong offer these crates, which are durable, stackable and can be used multiple times. Unlike cardboard boxes, they won’t rip or collapse making your packing easier and more efficient. Once your move is complete, you simply return the crates, reducing waste and saving trees.

Choose Recycled or Reusable Materials

If renting crates isn’t an option, you can still be sustainable by choosing recycled cardboard boxes. Many moving companies sell or rent boxes made from recycled materials. You can also ask friends or local businesses for used boxes instead of buying new ones.

That way, you’re giving those boxes a second life and reducing the demand for new cardboard production. Another eco-friendly moving option is to look for eco-certified packaging. These products are made from sustainably sourced materials so they have minimal environmental impact.

Say No to Plastic Bubble Wrap

Bubble wrap is the most common moving kit, but it’s one of the most environmentally damaging materials because it’s plastic. Luckily there are a few greener alternatives that will protect your stuff just as well.

Try using biodegradable packing peanuts made from cornstarch or sorghum. These dissolve in water and don’t harm the environment. You can also look for paper-based cushioning or recycled packing paper that can be reused or recycled after your move.

Another option is to use what you already have. Soft household items like towels, blankets and clothes can be used to wrap fragile items. Not only does this eliminate the need for extra packing materials but it also saves you space in your boxes!

Choose Sustainable Tape and Labels

It might seem like a small thing but the type of tape you use can make a big difference in your move. Most packing tape is made from plastic, which is not biodegradable and can’t be recycled.

Instead, choose eco-friendly tape made from paper or plant-based materials. This type of tape is strong enough to secure your boxes but is also compostable and recyclable. Some eco-friendly moving options also have non-toxic adhesives, which reduce their environmental impact.

When it comes to labelling, skip the plastic sticky labels and use water-based markers to write directly on the boxes or use reusable labels that can be wiped clean.

Repurpose Household Items for Packing

Moving is a great opportunity to get creative with the materials you already have at home. Instead of buying new packing supplies, use items you already own to cushion and protect your belongings. As mentioned before soft items like towels, linens and clothes are perfect for wrapping breakables like glassware, electronics or dishes.

Old newspapers can be crumpled and used as padding inside boxes and cardboard inserts from packaging or other household products can provide extra protection. By repurposing these materials you’re reducing waste and making your move more sustainable.


Selecting eco-friendly moving supplies in Geelong is a simple way to make your move more sustainable. By renting reusable crates, choosing recycled materials, saying no to plastic bubble wrap and getting creative with what you already have you can reduce waste and do your part for the planet.

Eco-friendly moving options don’t have to be expensive or complicated. With a little planning and the right materials, you can pack up and move without leaving a trail of waste behind. So next time you move, consider these sustainable practices and make a positive impact on your new home and the planet.