Keeping Cool: 8 Tips for Keeping My Home Cool & Stylish
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Keeping Cool: 8 Tips for Keeping My Home Cool & Stylish

Keeping Cool ? It’s been a miserable hot summer everywhere I don’t need to tell you, I know. I find myself searching for creative ways to keep my Nook Cottage cool without compromising on style or running the AC at full blast. I actually hate being cooped up in the house with all the windows closed but when the heat and humidity are above 90 I turn my house into a veritable tomb to keep cool both physically as well as mentally and a lot of it is mental. I remember being in school on a hot day (no ac in the schools at that point) and the teacher would turn off the lights in order to make us feel cooler – though the lights themselves actually didn’t likely add real heat to the room.  But a darkened room does feel cooler no question.

Overtime I’ve come up with some stylish ideas for keeping cool at home that I wanted to share.


Embrace Light and Airy Fabrics

Linda Merrill’s Nook Cottage bedroom summer and winter looks

My summer bedding is a white linen duvet cover (empty, there’s no duvet inside) with shams over a light beige matelasse coverlet under the white coverlet.  It just looks and feels cool. And as you can see, my winter bedding  is much, much heavier both physically and visually (please forgive the unstyled photo with the messily made bed!). The dark green of the bedding is as visually warm as the velvet is physically.


Cooling Bedding for Restful Nights

Indoor Greenery for Natural Cooling

Photo by Andrea Davis

It’s widely believed that certain houseplants will naturally help cool a space. Not only do indoor plants add a touch of nature to my space, but they also help cool the air. Place lush green plants strategically around the house, not only for their stylish appeal but also to purify the air and maintain a more comfortable indoor temperature.


Stylish Ceiling Fans for a Breezy Look

Linda Merrill design Keeping Cool ceiling fan

I know – ceiling fans are anathema to many designers. But they really do make a huge difference in the comfort level of the home and they do come in more stylish – or at least less ugly – styles. This is my rendering of my Modern Coastal project bedroom. There is a subtle ceiling fan on the ceiling (which of course I cropped out in the final image 0f the room). I have ceiling fans in my living room and main room of my small house plus a rotating stick fan. It’s 90+ degrees out today and I keep my ac at 77 with the fans on and it feels very cool and comfortable.

Decorative Window Films

Decorative Films UltraCool-S1560_1000x626

To block out the sun’s harsh rays while still maintaining a stylish look you might consider a decorative window film. These films come in various patterns and designs and have cooling and heat blocking capabilities.


Smart Cooling Solutions

Nest Thermostat 714x6Fmy0dL._AC_SL1500_

Incorporating smart home technology can be a game-changer. A smart thermostat like this one from Nest allows y0u to control your air conditioning remotely. You can adjust the temperature with just a tap on your smartphone, ensuring my home is cool and welcoming before you even step inside – without having to keep it very cold all day long.