• Painting

    45-square meter Apartment by Mistovia Studio

    Paulina and Gustaw’s apartment in Warsaw’s district Praga is a truly post-modern mix of bold designs, strong textures, and non-obvious colours. Designs by young Polish brands are accompanied by vintage furniture, design classics, and tailor-made elements. All the components were combined into a neat design by architects from the Mistovia studio in Katowice. The apartment’s owner, Paulina, shares the space with her beloved dachshund, Gustaw. Paulina works in the creative industry as an art director, which is why she approached the studio selection process with great awareness. The 45-square-meter apartment is located in Praga Północ, a district of Warsaw Paulina…

  • Plumbing

    Best Ideas for DIY Halloween Decorations | 2023

    October is just around the corner and fall is in full swing… it’s nearly time to celebrate one of our more eccentric family holidays: Halloween! Here in the USA this night for remembering the dead has come to be symbolized with all sorts of goblins, ghouls, monsters, witches and monsters, jack’o lanterns and trick-or-treating. It is a DIY craft makers paradise! Whether your Halloween style is kitsch and cutesy or full on macabre, there’s no end of things you can make to decorate your home. With even just a little bit of basic know-how and a heap of imagination, you’d…

  • Home security

    Ansan Hotel by WJ Studio

    The old and the new of Ansan Hotel is the alternation of two generations and their thinking concept. It reflects the change of the city. Time changes everything, but nothing will disappear. It just reappears in another carrier or form. Symbolic + Visual recognition In different historical periods and regions, the forms and functions of buildings reflect the cultural characteristics and values of the society at that time. When cities start to find their positioning and continue to strengthen their features and build city brands, the buildings and landscapes in cities can only form strong enough memory points if they…

  • Home Moving

    Must-Have Safety Equipment For Home Improvements

    For numerous homeowners, embarking on a home improvement project holds an irresistible allure. The joy of transforming a space, the potential savings, and the sheer thrill of creation are unparalleled. However, every home renovation endeavour must prioritise one principle: safety first.    In this article, we’ll dive into the intricacies of safety equipment, ensuring your home becomes a masterpiece without any undesirable incidents along the way. Before you pick up that hammer, let’s unravel the essentials of safety and workwear. Investing In Protective Clothing & Gear  Starting a home improvement project demands more than just tools and materials; safety preparations are…

  • Home Renovation

    What Does a Roofing Contractor Do, And Why You Should Hire One?

    Carrying out any construction work on your residential or commercial property can be exciting, but it can also be frustrating. While there are some areas or parts of a house that you can handle as a DIY project or hire any contractor with little worry, roofing projects are entirely different due to the roof’s importance, complexity, and functions. That’s where expert roofing contractors come in. Roofing contractors are specialists whose expertise is handling the installation, repair, replacement, inspection, and maintenance of all types of commercial and residential roofs. Whenever you have a roofing project, you’ll have to decide whether or…

  • Home Décor

    Picking the Perfect Time for Your Renovation Adventure

    Alright, let’s talk about the fantastic world of renovation! It’s like giving a place a whole new personality, creating your own little corner of magic. I call it ‘making your own luck’ – those special tasks that not only boost your property’s value beyond the renovation costs and the initial purchase price, but also act as a safety net if the market decides to throw a curveball. Picture this: you’re eyeing a shiny new property. But here’s the catch – if the market decides to throw a tantrum, you could end up in the red if you decide to sell.…