Furnishing your home can be a costly endeavor. However, it doesn’t have to break the bank! Focus on spending money on decor and furniture that makes a big impact. Spend less on items that are simply filler for a space. Shop secondhand stores, swap meet sales, and online classifieds to find bargain pieces. Also, avoid purchasing furniture on credit because it can hurt your debt-to-income ratio. Shop Seasonal Sales Furnishing your home can be expensive, especially buying all-new furniture. If you’re working with a tight budget, you’ll want to look for ways to save money on your new furnishings. One…
Gohar World’s New York Store Is a Surrealist Banquet The tableware brand debuts a holiday pop-up that captures the grandiose magic of a festive dinner party. As in a Dutch still life painting of an enchanting tablescape, there is an element of decay tucked into the elegant New York home goods store Gohar World. A holiday pop-up opened by artists (and sisters) Laila and Nadia Gohar to showcase the duo’s playful tableware brand, the Lafayette Street shop is wallpapered with grainy images of an abandoned, time-worn church in Arles, France. In several areas, portions of this floor-to-ceiling print peel back…
“Likely, when we close our eyes and think of a small space, it’s white walls, no lighting and bad storage,” said Nate Berkus. Mr. Berkus, the celebrity interior designer, was standing in a bright, cabinet-outfitted bathroom that he designed for Apartment Therapy’s “Small/Cool NYC,” a pop-up exhibition in Sunset Park, Brooklyn. The event, which is running on consecutive weekends this month and will conclude on Sunday, Oct. 29, is halfway between a showhouse and a showroom. More than a dozen 10-by-12-foot room schemes — imagined by creators as fresh as Maitri Mody, a fashion influencer who posts on Instagram under…
Are you looking for modern and eye-catching wardrobe designs for your space? Look no further! In this article, you will find some elegant and modern two colour combination of wardrobe designs. The wardrobe is an essential piece of furniture in the home. Whether used in the bedroom, living room, dining room, or home office, its primary purpose is for storage. The design of a wardrobe can enhance or mar the overall aesthetics of a room. When buying a wardrobe, it is important to consider what style and size of wardrobe is best suited for the space. The most common types…
I read that the average American household has 300,000 items in it. When I decided to take on the thirty day challenge of playing the Minimalism Game during the month of September, I was more than ready to purge my home of unnecessary objects because of the excessive amount of things I was holding on to. The challenge required me to get rid of 465 things over the course of the month which I’m happy to announce I did! Our downstairs toilet overflowed back in July damaging the hardwood floors. It forced us to move all of our downstairs furniture…
*This post may contain affiliate links which implies that I may receive commission if you purchase through the links that I have provided (this happens at no extra cost to you). Here is my full affiliate disclosure. Introduction: Today, we’re venturing into the world of turfgrass from the comfort of our own house – with a particular emphasis on its environmental impact. Turfgrass is more than just a pretty green carpet on our lawns; it’s a vital and varied player in our natural ecology. Understanding its relevance allows us to make informed judgments as we pursue environmentally-friendly gardening strategies. The…