• Home Renovation

    3 Things To Avoid Putting on Your Wood Deck

    Last Updated on October 9, 2023 by Kravelv Wooden decks enhance the aesthetic appeal of homes, offering a place to enjoy the outdoors in comfort. But maintaining the beauty and integrity of your wood deck requires certain precautions. Here are three things to avoid putting on your wood deck to ensure its longevity. Bleach: Don’t Use It to Clean a Wood Deck Bleach might seem like a handy solution for cleaning your deck, but it can cause more harm than good. Bleach is a harsh chemical that can strip the natural color of the wood and weaken its structure over…

  • Home Décor

    Bruvi’s Plastic Biodegrades Faster than Standard Coffee Pods

    When it comes to goods and services, it’s commonly assumed you can expect cheap, fast, or good – perhaps two is a reasonable expectation, but expecting all three can be a fool’s notion. Yet, the Bruvi brewer is designed to deliver all three – to a varying subjective degree which we’ll go further into detail below – brewing beverages conveniently quick, for a relatively affordable price per cup, and from a selection of acclaimed roasters. It also might have solved pod-based coffee’s biggest dilemma: plastic waste. Bruvi is a pod-based beverage brewing appliance, but was obviously designed with additional forethought…

  • Painting

    Modernity Finds Shelter Within Tadao Ando’s The Shinmonzen

    Kyoto is not lacking for serene inns within the city’s historical neighborhoods, in sum emphasizing the city’s eminence as a crafts, arts, and design capital. Walking around Kyoto’s historic Shinmonzen Street in the Gion arts district, it’s easy to believe time passes with a more leisurely gait here along the area’s beautifully preserved buildings. The Shinmonzen distinguishes itself from the numerous traditionally designed machiya townhouses and ryokan inns lining the gentle flow of the Shirakawa River. Not openly so, as the hotel’s front facing architecture of dark latticed timber and kawara tile roofline presents a distinguished weathered simplicity. But inside…

  • Plumbing

    The Future of Real Estate: Exploring Property in UAE in 2023

    Property in UAE in 2023 is in two words – a hot cake. According to a June 2023 Arabian report, real estate revenue grew by 75% in 2023, registering about 261 billion AED, in comparison to 149 billion AED in the last year 2022. Putting that in context, it means the revenue as of June 2023 is about $6 billion dollars! When you compare these statistics with the statistics for the last half-decade, you will see an exponential increase. See the table below for a quicker review of the growth in the past years: Year Revenue generated 2023 261 billion…

  • Home security

    RooMoo integrates local materials into Som Land Hostel near Shanghai

    Thatched roofs, recycled bricks and bundles of sticks were used to construct this hostel on Shanghai’s Chongming Island, which Chinese studio RooMoo has organised around two existing buildings. The site is surrounded by water and forests, creating a secluded rural environment on the island that’s located across the Yangtze River estuary from the vast metropolitan area. RooMoo completely transformed two existing buildings using materials found on-site The Som Land hostel was designed to integrate with this natural landscape and respect the local customs and traditions. “The resort’s name Som Land comes from the traditional Chinese colour, the warm green between…

  • Home Moving

    How to Lay Artificial Grass on Concrete

    Usually, artificial grass is used as a fantastic solution to replace existing natural lawns. This is often because artificial grass provides a garden or outdoor space with a stunning-looking lawn that offers excellent longevity and is incredibly low maintenance. But, in addition to replacing lawns, artificial grass, also known as fake or synthetic turf, can also be used to give a facelift to old paths, patios and decking areas. If you’re considering installing artificial grass in these areas, we’re here to help.   In this article, we’ll examine how to lay artificial grass on concrete, providing you with a handy guide…