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    My Favorite Christmas Decorating Books

    Pin on Pinterest Share on Facebook Flip on Flipboard Every year, around the end of October I start to see the first signs that the holidays are approaching. I am sure you are beginning to see them also – like seeing Hobby Lobby and HomeGoods filled with holiday decor and television ads for Christmas gifts from Walmart and other retailers. Or when I see signs hanging from the light poles in my town with the date of an upcoming annual holiday event. When I see the stores filled with holiday items and these signs, I begin to get a hankering…

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    Introducing My Book: Simply Home (two books in one!)

    This Post May Contain Affiliate Links. Please Read Our Disclosure Policy here Surprise! I have a “newly reformatted” book coming out mid-August called Simply Home. Simply Home is two books in one! My popular original paperback books, Simple Organizing and Simple Decorating, are now combined into a hardback version called Simply Home! You can pre-order it now (Amazon or Barnes and Noble!) and it officially releases August 15! One of the neat things I’ve learned from being an author with a publisher is that they think about different formats of books they can create for various markets, price points and…