• Plumbing

    Top 5 FAQs about Double Glazing Repairs Answered

    Wondering about the ins and outs of double glazing repairs? We’ve got your top 5 most frequently asked questions covered. From costs involved to the amount of time double glazing repairs take, here’s what you need to know. Do Double Glazing Repairs Have to Be Expensive? Contrary to popular belief, double glazing repairs don’t have to be a drain on your wallet. While the notion of repairing your double glazed windows might sound costly, it’s usually far more economical than buying new windows altogether. At Cloudy2Clear, we offer cost-effective solutions that focus on replacing only the glass panes with imperfections,…

  • Plumbing

    What double glazing is best for my windows?

    Double glazing has become a popular choice for homeowners looking to improve the energy efficiency of their windows. Consisting of two glass panes separated by an air gap, which acts as an insulating layer to reduce heat loss and noise pollution, double glazing has many benefits, including improved thermal efficiency to help you with your energy bills. However, choosing the right type of double glazing for your windows can be challenging, especially when considering the orientation of your home. In this blog, we explore the different types of double glazing and how to choose the best option for your windows,…