• Home Moving

    Top tips to keep your energy bills down this winter | Energy bills

    There are a number of cheap or free steps you can take to cut energy bills. For example, households can typically shave £160 off their annual costs with three “no-cost tweaks” to their home heating, according to Katy King, the deputy director of sustainable future at the charity Nesta. “Reducing boiler flow temperature to 60 degrees and setting hot water temperature at 42 degrees on a combi boiler, as well as turning down radiator valves, together should lower costs while maintaining comfort,” King says. Turning down the boiler flow temperature results in an average annual saving of £65, while adjusting…

  • Plumbing

    Ways Your Roof Installation Can Slash Energy Costs

    Although it’s one of the most expensive components of the exterior of your home, a roof is rarely given much thought until replacement is needed.  This provides the optimum time to carefully understand your choices so that the new roof not only enhances your curb appeal but lowers your energy costs.   Here’s what you need to know. Insulation: While shingles are a critical component of a roof, they should only be a part of the conversation.  Thorough roofing contractors  should also be performing a visual inspection of your attic to verify the quality and R-value of its insulation.   Without correct…

  • Home Moving

    Maximize Energy Efficiency and Savings

    When it comes to optimizing the energy efficiency of your home, insulation is a game-changer, especially for metal roofs. However, with so many types of insulation available, it can be an overwhelming task to select the right one. So what are the key factors you should take into account when choosing metal roof insulation? Let’s dive into the subject. Metal Roofing Insulation Considerations Imagine this: It’s a sweltering summer day, and the sun is beating down on your home. But inside, it’s refreshingly cool without having to run your air conditioning at full throttle. Or it’s a frigid winter night,…