• Home Moving

    When is the Best Time for Exterior House Painting?

    Timing Convenience: One of the primary considerations when deciding the best time for exterior house painting is your personal schedule and availability. The key is to choose a time when you can dedicate sufficient hours or days to the project without feeling rushed or stressed.  Painting the exterior of your home is a significant undertaking, and having the flexibility to work at your own pace can lead to a more satisfying and successful outcome. Ensure that you plan the painting project during a period when you have the time and energy to invest in it. Weekends and Holidays: Many homeowners…

  • Home Moving

    Seven Ways to Transform Your Home’s Exterior

    Last Updated on October 10, 2023 by Kravelv Picture this: You’re driving down a quiet street lined with picturesque homes. Some catch your attention, while others blend into the background and go unnoticed. What makes a house stand out? Why do some homes have an inviting charm while others seem cold and uninviting? The answer lies in curb appeal. Because the moment you put your eyes on a house, you form an opinion of it based on its exterior. If the exterior doesn’t grab your attention, you might not want to see the inside. Similarly, a beautifully maintained exterior creates…

  • Plumbing

    Top Exterior Home Improvement Trends in Maryland for 2024

    As homeowners, we always want to keep our homes looking great. Whether it’s upgrading your roof, changing the siding, or refreshing the front entry, there are always new exterior home improvement trends that can help enhance the curb appeal of your property. As we approach the end of 2023 and look forward to 2024, there are some exciting new trends to consider, particularly in Maryland where the weather can be harsh and unpredictable. In this post, we’ll explore some of the top exterior home improvement trends in Maryland for 2024 that will help you create a beautiful and welcoming home.

  • Home Renovation

    What to Look for in Exterior Caulk

    The purpose of a sealant, or caulk, on the exterior of a home is to seal gaps that allow air and moisture to infiltrate the structure of the home. That seems simple enough, but the reality of building materials is that they are constantly moving. Changes in temperature and humidity cause them to continually expand and contract which means the size of those gaps is constantly changing. This means that the caulk filling those gaps is regularly being stretched and squeezed, so if it dries hard it will crack within a season or two due to the movement. To have…