• Plumbing

    How to Maximize Storage Space in a Small Bedroom

    Even if you’re not a fashionista, your bedroom needs to hold a lot. Clothing takes up space. So do books and jewelry, not to mention things like extra sheets and blankets. That’s why “storage is critical,” said Shannon Eddings, an interior designer based in Austin, Texas — especially true in small homes, where there are few places to hide clutter. As Ms. Eddings noted, “Not everyone has big closets.” And in truly compact bedrooms, there may be no closets at all. But there are plenty of ways to add storage to even the smallest bedrooms. Here are the tricks that…

  • Home Moving

    Maximize Energy Efficiency and Savings

    When it comes to optimizing the energy efficiency of your home, insulation is a game-changer, especially for metal roofs. However, with so many types of insulation available, it can be an overwhelming task to select the right one. So what are the key factors you should take into account when choosing metal roof insulation? Let’s dive into the subject. Metal Roofing Insulation Considerations Imagine this: It’s a sweltering summer day, and the sun is beating down on your home. But inside, it’s refreshingly cool without having to run your air conditioning at full throttle. Or it’s a frigid winter night,…