• Plumbing

    Is it worth putting a replacement roof on my conservatory in Chelmsford, Colchester and Ipswich?

    Conservatories have always been a popular addition to homes in the South East and across the whole of the UK. However, if you have an older conservatory then you may be experiencing some common issues. Your existing conservatory will have a polycarbonate roof or glass roof and due to the old nature of these materials, the chances are the conservatory roof will be a major factor in your conservatory not performing as it should be. Problems include: Extreme temperatures: Your conservatory gets unbearably hot in the summer and bitterly cold in the winter months. Inefficiency: The roof lacks proper insulation,…

  • Home Renovation

    3 Things To Avoid Putting on Your Wood Deck

    Last Updated on October 9, 2023 by Kravelv Wooden decks enhance the aesthetic appeal of homes, offering a place to enjoy the outdoors in comfort. But maintaining the beauty and integrity of your wood deck requires certain precautions. Here are three things to avoid putting on your wood deck to ensure its longevity. Bleach: Don’t Use It to Clean a Wood Deck Bleach might seem like a handy solution for cleaning your deck, but it can cause more harm than good. Bleach is a harsh chemical that can strip the natural color of the wood and weaken its structure over…

  • Home Décor

    What To Know When Putting A New Roof On Your Home

    What to know when putting a new roof on your home. Let’s take a look at the most important things that should be on your checklist. We recently went through some very rough weather in our area; a undetermined tornado, which has been called a micro burst by the local weather service.  Don’t even get me started on that topic, as I have been through enough tornadoes to tell you that it was a tornado. Not to mention there is enough online footage of the actual funnel clouds to prove it was indeed a tornado. Unfortunately this weather resulted in…