• Painting

    Aesthetics and the impact on wellbeing in an early school

    Sponsored by Nido Early School A lot of research suggests that the aesthethics of a child’s everyday environment, while of course not the be all and end all, really can influence their wellbeing.  Nido (it’s Italian for nest) Early Schools are great believers in this and design their early childhood and care settings Australia wide in a calming style. “Environmental aesthetics are important to children’s learning and wellbeing the same way that they are important to adults’ learning and wellbeing,” says Nadia Wilson-Ali, Director Education and Quality. “The way in which an environment looks and feels affects how children think,…

  • Home Moving

    Best Home Improvement Projects To Tackle When the Kids Go Back to School

    Looking forward to sending your kids back to school and finally getting around to all those home improvement projects you said you’d get on top of (but never did?) Look I get it, life is busy, especially with kids so don’t beat yourself up for not getting through your home improvement checklist. The good news is sending your kids back to school is a golden opportunity to dive into those projects you’ve put on the back burner.