• Home Décor

    2023 Holiday Collection Now at Target

    Our collaboration with Target, Threshold x Studio McGee, just got a major addition for the season. Today our holiday collection hits shelves in Target locations across the country and online here. We love the sense of tradition that comes with this year’s holiday allotment, from an established color scheme of reds and greens to time-honored prints and plaids. “I designed this collection with the goal of bringing a sense of familial warmth into your homes for the holidays. Embracing what’s new and connecting with the nostalgic is what makes this season so special,” said Shea. Get inspired for holiday styling…

  • Home security

    Secret Source: This UK-Based Store Sells Cheery, Anthro-Style Decor at Target Prices (+ Our 17 Favorite Pieces)

    Here’s the truth: despite being EHD’s resident over-sharer, I’ve kiiiiinda been holding out on you over the last few years. Gatekeeping, if you will. I KNOW. It’s criminal! My job is literally to spill the beans on the best home decor resources – and I do try! – but as it turns out, there are a few (or, uh, more than a few) thrift stores, vintage vendors, and online retailers that I’ve selfishly kept to myself for a little too long… Until right now. That’s right, folks: welcome to the first-ever edition of Secret Source, in which I highlight one…