• Home security

    Easy Hallway Panelling Ideas to Transform your Home

    How much does it cost to panel a hallway? The cost to install hallway panelling in the UK can vary depending on the size of your hallway, the materials you choose, and whether you DIY or hire a professional. Basic MDF or plywood panels can cost from £10-£30 per panel, while solid wood options like oak or pine typically cost £30-£70 per panel. Allow an additional £50-£100 for adhesive, trim, caulk and paint. If your are installing the panelling yourself, you will need to budget around £300-£600 for materials for an average sized hallway. Hiring a carpenter or handyman to install will cost…

  • Home Moving

    Seven Ways to Transform Your Home’s Exterior

    Last Updated on October 10, 2023 by Kravelv Picture this: You’re driving down a quiet street lined with picturesque homes. Some catch your attention, while others blend into the background and go unnoticed. What makes a house stand out? Why do some homes have an inviting charm while others seem cold and uninviting? The answer lies in curb appeal. Because the moment you put your eyes on a house, you form an opinion of it based on its exterior. If the exterior doesn’t grab your attention, you might not want to see the inside. Similarly, a beautifully maintained exterior creates…

  • Painting

    How Heating and Air Conditioning Can Transform Your Home

    A multitude of factors shapes the ambiance of a home – the color of the walls, the softness of the furnishings, and the design elements that capture our senses. Yet, the heating and air conditioning system is one of the most underappreciated contributors to a home’s comfort and aesthetics. Far from being just functional units, these systems profoundly influence how we experience our homes. Creating a Perfect First Impression When someone steps into your home, the ambient temperature sets the tone for their experience. A well-maintained heating and air conditioning system ensures your home is always inviting, welcoming guests into…

  • Plumbing

    How to Transform Your Master Bedroom on a Budget

    Last Updated on August 17, 2023 by Kravelv Out of all the rooms in your home, the master bedroom is the one in which you relax, recharge and rejuvenate and enjoy deep and uninterrupted sleep, preparing your mind and your body for the day ahead. In reality, however, a combination of personal commitments and professional duties, such a serene experience is probably rare, to say the least. Transforming your master bedroom does not need to be complicated or expensive and could make a huge difference in how relaxing the space is. With this in mind, here is how to transform…