The Benefits of Sustainable Window Coverings
Home Décor

The Benefits of Sustainable Window Coverings

The Benefits of Sustainable Window Coverings

How Sustainable Window Coverings Enhance The Aesthetic Of Your Home

With natural and organic textures, colors, and patterns, sustainable window coverings add warmth and character to your home. They create a cozy and inviting ambiance that truly is Elegant Simplicity®

Functionality Precedes Aesthetics, Until Aesthetics Deliberately Embody Function.

Once functionality is determined for your window coverings (i.e. the size, shape, and all considerations are made for location), we can now begin to consider your personal style and what makes sense for the window treatments given that functionality. 

And really, because sustainable window coverings come in a wide range of materials, colors, patterns, and textures there is infinite possibility. 

Many of our clients tend to lean towards window coverings that subtly add to the overall emotionality of the space we’re designing for them. That said, your window coverings could follow the same aesthetic direction as that or become a focal point of your room.

As we mentioned previously, bamboo adds a touch of elegance and natural aesthetic to a room, hemp creates a grounded earthy aesthetic, while linen can create a cozy yet minimalist feel to a home.

Sustainable Window Coverings Are An Investment

Sustainable window coverings often have a higher upfront investment than their synthetic counterparts. However, the benefits to the environment as well as the potential energy savings that come with selecting sustainable window coverings, in our opinion, offer long-term savings.

Not to mention, sustainable window coverings made with natural materials are often more durable and longer-lasting. Synthetic materials are not only, often wasteful in their manufacturing, but the chemical dyes used often fade over time increasing the odds that you’ll need to replace them faster. 

Now the suns intense *wink* so it can fade even sustainable materials over time but they are made from high-quality materials that can withstand daily wear and tear, ensuring that you won’t need to replace them as frequently. 

And as we’ve mentioned, this not only saves you the expense of redoing window treatments but in the long run it also reduces waste and the environmental impact.

Maintenance And Care Of Sustainable Window Coverings

Since we’re on the topic of longevity *wink*

To ensure sustainable window coverings last as long as possible, it’s important to follow proper maintenance and care guidelines. Most sustainable window coverings can be easily cleaned with a soft cloth or a vacuum cleaner attachment that avoids any abrasiveness. 

We don’t recommend using chemicals to clean the drapery, as chemicals often damage the natural fibers or finishes of the window coverings.

While not incredibly common, it’s recommended to once a year or so — inspect your window coverings for any signs of wear or damage. If you notice any fraying or loose threads you may want to address those issues sooner, rather than later, to prevent further damage.

Ultimately, when it comes to creating a home we’re focused not on simply doing less bad (for our own health or the environment) but on actually doing more good. Making decisions with clarity and understanding in why sustainability is important and if it’s aligned with your intention.

For more on sustainability, we’ve talked about selecting sustainable materials, selecting sustainable furniture, as well as the importance of sustainability in designing + organizing your home.

And there you have it…everything you need to know about sustainable window coverings! And don’t forget, if you’re in the preliminary planning stages of your next project, let’s chat

P.S. If you loved this article then you’re going to really enjoy the 4 Days To A More Beautiful + Functional Home.