A DIY headboard, Children’s alcove and a log fire in the Bedroom!
Home security

A DIY headboard, Children’s alcove and a log fire in the Bedroom!

Hejsan! Scrolling through my usual sites on a Monday morning (along with a Swedish extra strength coffee of course!) I stopped in my tracks when this Swedish home popped up. There were three things that really stood out to me: the soft yet contemporary pink bedroom, the ribbed headboard / half wall that also serves as a shelf and the children’s alcove off the sitting room! Let’s take a closer look! 

No doubt a former storage cupboard, the parents in this Swedish home have converted an alcove off the sitting room into a children’s playroom. I particularly love the glass doors – which ensure some peace and quiet  – after all, we all know how noisy parents can be – not entirely conducive when you’re trying to create a crayon masterpiece ;). The alcove is perfectly organised with a cosy place to curl up with a book, a desk and shelves for creating and some floor space for general play. 

Plus, if it gets messy (let’s face it, it probably doesn’t look as neat as this all the time!) there are always the curtains which can be drawn across! 

I love this pink shade in the hallway and master bedroom. It looks like Deco pink by Jotun Lady – a shade that goes equally well with grey (like in this home) or even zesty colours like neons and cherry red. Are you a fan too? 

These types of headboards and wardrobe coverings are extremely popular right now and make such a statement – even when painted the same colour as the walls! They are also very easy to create yourself. A large DIY store will stock everything you need to create the look. 

I didn’t mention the ‘kakelugn’ (Swedish tiled masonry oven) in my list of three, but it’s an absolute given! I mean, who doesn’t want to fall asleep to the warm embers of a log fire in winter time? So cosy! 

I hope you felty inspired by these features too. Perhaps there is something else that stood out to you? If so, please do point out in the comments below! 

I am heading off to Jutland, Denmark today to attend Formland design fair tomorrow – very excited as it’s such an inspiring place and where I find out the latest trends and news for Autumn. If you can’t attend in person,  I’ll be sharing my trip on Instagram in case you’d like to see what’s happening! I’m then off to Aarhus – Denmark’s second largest city to write a city guide for Simply Scandi magazine. I’ve never been before so very intrigued, I’ve heard many a good things! 

I hope you’ve got some fun plans for the week too, and that the sun is shining for you. 

See you Wednesday friends! 
