Some Things For You to Consider
Home Moving

Some Things For You to Consider

Today we were chatting with a homeowner who had just moved into an older home. The roof was in good shape, but this homeowner was thinking about having a new one installed, and they asked a question: Can you re-roof in winter?

This is a good question, especially here in Portland, where variations of what many people would consider “winter” can last for longer than just three or four months.

Another reason this was a good question is that this homeowner was thinking about a roof that was in good shape. Why would they worry about such a thing unless they had to?

A roof is so obviously a critical part of a home’s protective structure that we as homeowners and property owners can often forget all about it.

This probably seems counterintuitive. Most people don’t think about their roofs unless their roofs are in need of repair.

In order to keep our roofs in good working order so that we don’t have to think about them, proper maintenance is key. A well-maintained roof can last for many years, but eventually, it will need to be replaced.

And if you are considering re-roofing your property during the winter months, you might be wondering if it’s a good idea. In this blog post, we will explore whether or not you can re-roof in winter, and what you should know before undertaking this project.

Re-Roofing in Winter

First and foremost, it’s important to understand that re-roofing during winter can be challenging — even for professionals. It can be done, though.

There are a few reasons why it can be a challenge.

For starters, the cold temperatures can make it difficult for adhesives to bond properly, which can negatively impact the installation of your new roof. Additionally, snow and ice can make it hard for workers to access your roof and perform their duties safely.Some Things For You to Consider

Think about the tools, roofing materials, and processes brought to bear during a project — nail guns, asphalt roofing cement that may need to be hand-sealed to prevent water damage, etc. This is true whether you need to repair a roof or replace a roof so that you can have a new roof installed. And it’s true whether you’re installing a metal roof or an asphalt shingle roof.

That being said, it’s not impossible to re-roof in winter; your contractor will just need to take some additional precautions.

Things to Consider Regarding Winter Re-Roofing Jobs

Before deciding to engage a contractor to re-roof your property during winter, it’s important to consider the pros and cons.

One of the main advantages of re-roofing during winter is that roofing companies are often less busy, which means you may be able to schedule your project more quickly. Additionally, many roofers offer discounts during the off-season, which can be a great way to save money on your roofing project.

On the other hand, cold weather can make the installation process more difficult, which can lead to delays and extra costs.

Finally, if you live in an area with heavy snowfall, you may need to wait until the heavy snow has melted in order to begin your project.

Precautions To Take When Re-Roofing in Winter

If you do decide to move forward with re-roofing during winter, there are some steps that can be taken to make the process go more smoothly.

For example, contractors can install a temporary roof covering to protect your home from the elements while the roof replacement project is underway.

Additionally, they can include a heating system in the work order to help keep the work area warm and avoid issues with adhesives and other materials freezing.

Finally, professional roofing contractors in northern climates should have at least some experience working on winter roofing projects. This will hopefully ensure that they’ll know the proper techniques and materials to use for optimal results.


Smoke from the chimney on the roof during a sunny winter's day to illustrate Re-Roofing A Home In Winter Some Things For You to ConsiderIt’s worth noting that timing is key when it comes to winter re-roofing projects. You should aim to schedule your winter roofing project to commence during a period of mild weather conditions, if possible. Ideally, this will be when temperatures are above freezing but not too warm. This will help ensure that adhesives bond properly without excess heat that can cause materials to expand or warp.

Re-roofing your property during winter is possible, but it’s important to carefully consider the pros and cons before making a decision. Warner Roofing can help you make the right decision for you, your home, and your family. We’re happy to talk to you about the process.

Cold temperatures and inclement weather can make the process more challenging, but with the right precautions and the help of a professional roofing contractor, you can successfully complete your project.

With these tips in mind and Warner Roofing on your side, you should be well on your way to a brand-new, weather-resistant roof for your home — regardless of season.