• Home Moving

    Strengthening your home’s defence for autumn and winter: A guide to window and door security

    As the saying goes, ‘Home is where the heart is.’ But it’s also where we keep our most cherished possessions and, most importantly, where we want to feel safe and secure. With autumn just around the corner, and the clocks going back on October 29, daylight hours will slowly grow shorter, and the nights will draw in. November has been proved as the prime month for potential burglars to break into a property due to the earlier, darker evenings, with them targeting houses around 5 p.m. as chances are occupants are still at work. While the 5th of November is…

  • Painting

    Why infrared panel heating is worth considering this winter

    Infrared heating panels are a versatile solution and they can be a good option for various types of homes. Their suitability will depend on your specific needs and preferences and also the architectural design of your home, but here are a few of the types of spaces where they provide a particularly good fit: Small flats or apartments Infrared heating can be a great option for small apartments and other compact living spaces because it can be mounted on the wall to provide effective heating without taking up valuable floor space. Buildings with limited insulation Older homes with limited or…

  • Home Moving

    Top tips to keep your energy bills down this winter | Energy bills

    There are a number of cheap or free steps you can take to cut energy bills. For example, households can typically shave £160 off their annual costs with three “no-cost tweaks” to their home heating, according to Katy King, the deputy director of sustainable future at the charity Nesta. “Reducing boiler flow temperature to 60 degrees and setting hot water temperature at 42 degrees on a combi boiler, as well as turning down radiator valves, together should lower costs while maintaining comfort,” King says. Turning down the boiler flow temperature results in an average annual saving of £65, while adjusting…

  • Home Moving

    Prepare Your Roof For Winter

    Winter is around the corner, and it’s time to make sure that your roof is prepared for the upcoming cold weather. Yet, we find that so many Upstate New York homeowners still aren’t aware of the necessary steps that they should be taking to prepare their homes for winter. In this blog, we’ll go over some crucial tips that you should know about in order to make sure your home’s roof is prepared for winter. But before we do that, we thought you might want to know more about us. Since 1979, Comfort Windows & Doors has been the most…

  • Home Moving

    Winter Lawn Care Guide 2023

    Home > Backyard > Lawn > Lawn Care > The Best Winter Lawn Care Tips & Tricks To Get Your Lawn Ready For Spring Growth Your winter lawn care will be different depending on what type of grass you grow and your climate. Snow-covered lawns should be cleaned, aerated, fertilized, and protected from heavy foot traffic. Lawns with little or no snow usually require winter watering and can be overseeded with ryegrass. Winter is an ideal time to take a break from lawn care chores, especially if you have warm-season grass. But that doesn’t mean you can simply forget about…

  • Painting

    McGee & Co. Winter Collection | Shoot Tour

    We stayed close to home, near our headquarters in Salt Lake City, Utah, for McGee & Co.’s 2023 Winter Collection shoot. Each year we hunt for the perfect space to showcase our seasonal release, searching for a house that tells the story of the collection and allows each piece to shine. The classic detailing of this home’s checkerboard tiles, intricately paneled walls, and exposed floor joist ceilings offered the perfect pairing for the collection’s rich color palette of ochre, crimson, and brown, classic silhouettes, and layered texture and warmth. We love the feelings of nostalgia and sense of contentment found…