What is the gas safe register
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What is the gas safe register

The Gas Safe Register is a government-approved list of gas engineers who are qualified to work on gas appliances and installations in the United Kingdom. The register is managed by Gas Safe Register Limited, which is a company owned by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE).

The Gas Safe Register was created in 2009 to protect the public from unsafe gas work. Before the register was created, there was no central register of gas engineers, which made it difficult to ensure that gas work was being carried out by qualified and competent individuals.

How does the Gas Safe Register work?

To be included on the Gas Safe Register, engineers must meet certain criteria, including:

  • Having the appropriate qualifications
  • Being registered with a Gas Safe Register-approved body
  • Passing an annual competence assessment

Engineers who are on the Gas Safe Register are issued with a Gas Safe ID card. This card shows the engineer’s name, registration number, and the body they are registered with.

Why is it important to use a Gas Safe engineer?

Using a Gas Safe engineer is important because it ensures that your gas work is being carried out by a qualified and competent individual. Gas Safe engineers are also required to follow the latest safety standards, which helps to protect you from the risk of gas leaks and explosions.

How to find a Gas Safe engineer

You can find a Gas Safe engineer by searching the Gas Safe Register website. The website allows you to search by location, trade, and other criteria.

What happens if I use an unlicensed gas engineer?

If you use an unlicensed gas engineer, you could be putting yourself and your family at risk. Unlicensed gas engineers may not be qualified to work on gas appliances, and they may not have the necessary insurance. This means that if something goes wrong, you may not be covered.

What to do if you suspect unsafe gas work

Gas is a dangerous fuel, and it is important to make sure that any gas work in your home is done by a qualified and experienced professional. If you suspect that gas work has been done incorrectly, it is important to take action immediately., you should contact the Gas Safe Register. You can also report unsafe gas work to the HSE.

Here are some signs that gas work may be unsafe:

  • Leaks: If you smell gas, it is a sign of a leak. Gas leaks can be dangerous, and they should be fixed immediately.
  • Damaged pipes: If you see any damage to gas pipes, it is a sign that the work may not have been done properly. Damaged pipes can lead to leaks, and they should be repaired or replaced.
  • Improper connections: If you see any improper connections between gas pipes and appliances, it is a sign that the work may not have been done properly. Improper connections can lead to leaks, and they should be fixed.
  • Unqualified workers: If the gas work was done by someone who is not a qualified gas engineer, it is a sign that the work may not have been done properly. Only qualified gas engineers should be allowed to work on gas appliances and systems.

If you suspect that gas work has been done unsafely, you should do the following:

  1. Turn off the gas supply to the affected area. This will help to prevent any leaks from causing an explosion or fire.
  2. Evacuate the area. If you smell gas, it is important to evacuate the area immediately. This will help to protect you from the dangers of gas leaks.
  3. Contact a qualified gas engineer. A qualified gas engineer will be able to assess the situation and determine if the gas work is safe. If the work is not safe, the gas engineer will be able to fix it or recommend that it be fixed by a qualified professional.


The Gas Safe Register is an important resource for protecting the public from unsafe gas work. By using a Gas Safe engineer, you can be confident that your gas work is being carried out by a qualified and competent individual.

Here are some additional tips for using the Gas Safe Register:

  • Check the engineer’s ID card: Before any gas work is carried out, ask the engineer to show you their Gas Safe ID card. This will ensure that they are registered with the Gas Safe Register.
  • Get a written quote: Before any gas work is carried out, get a written quote from the engineer. This will help to protect you from unexpected costs.
  • Make sure the work is properly documented: After the gas work has been carried out, ask the engineer to provide you with a copy of the work record. This will show that the work was carried out to the correct standards.

By following these tips, you can help to ensure that your gas work is carried out safely and correctly.