Imagine walking out at night and meeting one of the window wells or covers we will show you in a second. Broken bones will be your slightest worry. In a burst of pre-Halloween inspiration, our sales team participated in creating the 2023 list of the scariest window wells and covers they’ve seen. Oh, have they seen some spooky sites!

In a burst of pre-Halloween inspiration, our sales team participated in creating the 2023 list of the scariest window well sites they’ve seen. Oh, have they seen some spooky sites!
With a dose of humor and a dose of compassion for the homeowners who see them every day, we named these poor wells. Here is our Most Wanted Halloween list:
Dirty Frank
This dirty boy is covered in tons of dust. Not only does he look creepy, but, like most things hidden beneath a layer of dirt, he hides potential danger. The undefined black surrounding is actually conveyor belt rubber. Now, imagine walking by or, even worse – stepping on it by accident.
We can already see the lights of an ambulance coming for some poor fellow who just fell in.

The Solution
Square Sloped Cover or a beautiful Super Slant Cover. Both these designs will provide stability, security, and a touch of finesse to your window well.
Under “The Ancient Willy“
We think this would have been the vent well of an ancient pharaoh’s tomb if they needed any fresh air. Something so ancient doesn’t have a place in any property in 2021.
Firstly, Willy doesn’t let any light penetrate the basement. Secondly, we are not at all sure if Willy could withstand anyone accidentally stepping on him.

The Solution
Sloped or flat window well cover. Our covers come with a Lifetime Warranty. Even if you let them gather a thick layer of dust (not that we recommend it), you can still rest assured that your cover will support up to 400 lbs.
The Sun-Burnt John
Well, yellow isn’t a bad color in general, but think about replacing it if your well cover looks like John. Cheap, big-box store covers are not made with UV protection in mind. Therefore, in a year or less, they tend to turn brittle and yellow. Basically, they also suffer sunburn.
Also, having a hole in the middle of this top cheap plastic molded cover does not meet the idea of covering anything at all. We bet the owners of this home are truly happy when it rains directly in their basement.

The Sun-Burnt John
Well, yellow isn’t a bad color in general, but think about replacing it if your well cover looks like John. Cheap, big-box store covers are not made with UV protection in mind. Therefore, in a year or less, they tend to turn brittle and yellow. Basically, they also suffer sunburn.
Also, having a hole in the middle of this top cheap plastic molded cover does not meet the idea of covering anything at all. We bet the owners of this home are truly happy when it rains directly in their basement.
Metal Moe’s crooked smile
This is how your smile would look if you had never visited a dentist in your whole life. Honestly, it could be worse, but a well in such a bad shape is scary, ugly, and dangerous.

The Solution:
Semicircle metal well top it off with a simple but unbreakable rounded cover. The cover will protect your well not only from rain, snow, debris and unwanted guests, it will also help protect from premature rust taking hold.
The endless hollow of horror – IT
A red balloon is the only item missing in this photograph, so this well would look like a scene from the movie “IT,” don’t you think?
Maybe you won’t see some supernatural creature coming out of there, but we have seen some weird stuff coming out of the wells. Last year we had a series of wells filled with skunks, mice, salamanders, even a wild moose, and numerous weird insects.

The Solution
Window Well Extension + Semi-Circle Window Well Cover (just because we don’t want any critters nesting in the well.)
Johnny Cage
If your home is not the dog pound from 101 Dalmatians, you shouldn’t cover it with restrictive cages. Moreover, this installation is definitely hard-to-remove and by all means not egress-code-compliant. So, your brand new egress metal well can no longer serve as the escape route in case of a true emergency like a fire

The Solution:
Sloped Window Well Cover, Atrium Dome Top Cover, or Metal Grate
Final Thoughts on Scary Window Wells
Leaving your window wells caved in, rotten or even cracked, and without any cover is an invitation for trouble. Be it wild animals, weird insects, or other unexpected creatures, you are literally opening the doors of your home to them. So get your “bulletproof” polycarbonate or metal cover, along with a beautiful, heavy-duty well, and rest assured that even your basement will be properly protected.