As a proud pool owner, you want to make sure that your pool is always sparkling clean. You might notice, from time to time that it’s easier said than done.
No matter how hard you try, no matter how many hours you leave the pump filter running for – fine debris will show up at the bottom of your pool. These are fine particles, not your average pool debris. This can be anything from sand and dust, all the way to diatomaceous earth and sediment buildup.
To make sure your pool always stays clean, today we are going to show you how to clean dirt from bottom of a pool.
How To Clean Dirt From Bottom Of Pool?
Method 1: Use A Suction Based Automatic Pool Vacuum Cleaner For Fastest Result
This is one of the best option to clean the bottom of pool with a vacuum, because these types of cleaners aren’t too expensive. They are going to keep your pools fine dust and debris at bay.
You will need to do some prep work to get one of these installed, but after you do – you can sit back and relax! So, here’s how to do it:
Step By Step Guide To Clean The Pool Bottom With A Vacuum Cleaner:

A suction based pool cleaner
- Step one: Before you can install a suction pool cleaner, you need to make sure you start with a clean pool. Use a pool vacuum, or the pump filter to clean the pool. Shock your pool if necessary.
- Step two: A suction pool cleaner connects directly to your pool’s filter pump. Make sure that your filter and the pump basket are cleaned.
- Step three: You will need to locate your pool’s return fittings. Make sure that you turn them so that they are pointing downwards.
- Step four: You will need to locate your pool’s return fittings. Make sure that you turn them so that they are pointing downwards.
- Step five: You can assemble your new pool cleaner’s hose. Remove the skimmer basket and connect the cleaner to your pool.
- Step six: You will need to submerge the cleaner’s hose and make sure it is filled with water.
- Step seven: Finally, submerge your new cleaner and connect it to the hose.
You are all set and good to go! The automatic suction cleaner will move around your pool and collect fine debris, algae dust, stone etc. from the pool bottom. Keep in mind that the waste is collected straight to your pool’s filter. It will require regular cleaning.
Method 2. Scrubbing With Pool Brush Or Vacuum Head To Remove Fine Dust And Sediment

Whatever your filter pump misses, you can also get with a pool brush or a vacuum head. What most pool owners miss out on is manual cleaning.
Brushing the floors and walls and cleaning them regularly is just as important as running the pump. If they are improperly cleaned, over time they will develop gunk and algae buildup.
Here is how you can properly sweep and scrub your pool bottom, and walls to eliminate dirt and debris.
- You are going to need to purchase a pool brush, or a pool vacuum head (make sure that, the vacuum head is flexible one so that, it can reach all sides of your pool bottom). Next, you’re also going to need a heavy duty telescoping pole. This is what the pool vacuum head, or brush attaches to. You may also need a vacuum hose.
- After assembling it, go ahead and prime your vacuum. Make sure all of the air is purged.
N.B: For removing algae buildup from your pool bottom, use a powerful pool brush with stainless steel bristles.
Method 3. Use A Pool Filter And Pump Combo To Get Sediment Off The Bottom Of Pool
Your pool’s filter pump plays a huge role in cleaning your pool. You should definitely use it to your advantage and make sure that you get the most out of it. You should keep it running for eight hours each day at the very least.
Keep in mind that the pump, depending on the manufacturer, will have different options. These options allow you to control what your pump should be filtering for.
If you are looking to get rid of the fine dust particles on the floor of your pool, get familiar with the settings. There are filter settings that allow you to let your pump focus on large debris. Different settings will mean that the pump will focus on smaller and finer debris.
You might want to run these different options separately a few times, to get the most out of it.
- The instructions are very simple. Follow your manufacturer’s instructions to set up the pump for the first time.
- To operate it, you are going to need to turn it on. Before you do, make sure that the pressure levels are optimal. Also make sure that the filter is clean and there is no debris in your filter basket either.
- If you have filter specific settings, allowing you to choose which kind of debris you want the pump to work on, set it before you turn it on.
- Turn the pump on and let it run for eight hours. Monitor to see if the dirt is going to be picked up by the pump.
Method 4. How To Clean Bottom Of Intex Pool Without A Vacuum:
Finally, if you already tried all the options listed above – it’s time to try a hands-on solution. This isn’t exactly the most traditional pool cleaning method, but it is extremely effective and practical. You can also try this method to remove sand from pool bottom.
You would need to get yourself one of those car-wash mitts. These microfiber gloves are actually used to dry off a vehicle’s surface. But, because they are microfiber, they can also be used as fine debris catchers.
Let’s take a look at how we can use one of these to improve our pool’s cleanliness.
- Get a car-wash mitt. You can pick one up at one of the large retail locations. You could also get one from a car equipment store. If you don’t have the time to search for one, you can save yourself the trouble and order one online right here.
- Once you get your mitt, you’re also going to need a telescoping pole. If you already have a pool brush or a vacuum head with the pole, go ahead and get it.
- Attach the mitt to the top of the pool brush or vacuum head. You can slip it on across the entire surface.
- Use a telescoping pole, or your existing vacuum head on it, to guide the microfiber mitt across the trouble areas.
- You are going to need to rinse off your mitt often, especially if you have a lot of fine debris on the floor of your pool.
You can also watch the following video for more insight:
Final Words:
Keep in mind that there is not a single ‘best’ solution, designed to work for every pool. You will need to experiment and try a combination of a few of the solutions. Eventually, you are going to find the way that works best for you and implement it to make sure your pool becomes sparkling clean.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Q1: How To Remove Dirt Stuck To The Pool Bottom ?
It may be kind of algae. To remove it, you need to brush the affected area properly. Next, vacuum it with a suction pool vacuum cleaner that attached with the pool filter. By doing so, most of the dirt will be removed by the cleaner. Apply a chlorine shock treatment to remove the dirt completely.
Q2: Why Is There Always Dirt At The Bottom Of My Pool?
There’re couple of reasons behind this occurrence. First of all make sure that, your pool filter is working properly. If not. fix the issue or replace it, if it fails to perform consistently. You must backwash your filter once every month to keep it functional.
If the filter works just fine, still there’re dirt at the bottom of pool, then it’s the high time to test the chlorine level of the pool water. Use a pool test kit and check the result with the recommended level.
Also check the spider gasket on the multi-port valve, if it gets loose dirt and debris can enter into the pool.
Note: It’s recommended that, you use a good quality pool cover to keep your pool water free of tiny particles that often carried by winds during the day.