• Home Moving

    How To Clean Dirt From Bottom Of Pool? (Step By Step Guide By Pool Experts)

    October 25, 2023 by Brett As a proud pool owner, you want to make sure that your pool is always sparkling clean. You might notice, from time to time that it’s easier said than done. No matter how hard you try, no matter how many hours you leave the pump filter running for – fine debris will show up at the bottom of your pool. These are fine particles, not your average pool debris. This can be anything from sand and dust, all the way to diatomaceous earth and sediment buildup. To make sure your pool always stays clean, today…

  • Home Moving

    ‘The gloss pink wall looked horrendous’: experts on their best and worst home revamps | Interiors

    Africa Daley-Clarke Founder of lifestyle platform the Vitamin D Project Best: installed glazed internal doorsOur previous home was a social housing flat in London with two bedrooms, a front room, kitchen, bathroom and small balcony. It was cramped, dark and in a state of disrepair when we moved in, so we decided to invest two-years’ of our savings into renovating it. Our best decision was to replace the solid hallway doors with glazed vintage one from englishsalvage.co.uk. (Their search function allows you to filter by measurements, which I haven’t found anywhere else.) The glass let light filter through the entire…