• Home Moving

    How To Get Gatorade Stains Out Of Carpets?

    Gatorade stains can be frustrating and tough to deal with. Especially if you have light colored carpets, they can be particularly vulnerable to Gatorade stains.  After a while, these types of stains can become permanent and can be very unsightly on your carpet, compelling you to purchase new ones. If you want to know how to get gatorade stains out of carpet,  you’re on the right place. There are various methods for safely and effectively removing those spots. You don’t need fancy gadgets; everyday household items will do the trick. What Are Gatorade Stains? Gatorade is a hydrating and tasty…

  • Home Moving

    Can Carpets Be Saved After A Flood?

    The disastrous effects of flooding extends over to our carpets, whether it’s new or old installation the damage done can be irreversible. Whether the carpets can be saved depends on various circumstances, the complexity of this can make it difficult to determine this. It is crucial to contact our team at flood services to conduct a free damage assessment. Our expertise will inform you on how salvageable your carpets can be.                    Potential causes of flooding There are various causes of flooding including: Home appliances overflowing such as dishwashers and washing machines, weather damage such as snowing or faulty plumbing such…